Monday, February 27, 2006

of depressing ballade in soft-bitter old story.

i translated these european reviews of our album using the google language tools. maybe they aren't the best ones to use, but the results are pretty funny.

this is from a french magazine called "Liability". I present it wholly unedited.

Elliott Smith died. Live Winterpills! This comment will seem perhaps daring (even moved) for many the fans which still cries the tragic disappearance of the one of the type-setters most endowed with his time. But only one listening of splendid "A Benediction", the title opening this album éponyme, will enable them to better determine my matter and to understand that it does not hide any easy sensationnalism. Because as well vocally as musicalement, it is well the phantom of Elliott Smith which planes on the first effort of this American group; a completely assumed influence since the quartet rather precisely describes its music like "four weeks of rain, two days of sun, and the voice of somebody whom you think of having lost for always". As regards influences, they is also the discographies of Nick Drake, Low or Simon & Garfunkel which this formation of Massachusetts will admit having explored until in its least recesses to assimilate it and withdraw these soft melodies from them, fragile and of an astounding beauty. Of light arpeggio in delicate chorus, of depressing ballade in soft-bitter old story, Winterpills opens to us the doors of an impregnated cottony universe of a severe amount of melancholy and that to perfection a artwork so(m) bre reflects and oneiric. If this disc had been only one pale copy of works magic and upsetting of Elliott Smith, one would have probably shouted with the scandal and intellectual plundering. But here, while signing album quite simply splendid, Winterpills risks extremely to impress very which will want well to give them chance (and God knows if it are too numerous at the present time...) and especially succeeds in evoking with much emotion the memory of an artist as regretted as Petri of talent. Cheer.

and this is from an italian webzine called

Before Winterpills porge in this heart of screziata autumn like, misconosciuta, lucente it operates folkpop. Sin from first notes hard work not to characterize in the composers Elliott Smith and Paul Simon two verosimili beacons and ispiratori, between those people insomma that for first han covered these impervi viottoli of mountain where, between abandonment and strazio of the body and the spirit, they have traced extreme opposite, inusita fires to you, extolling the life in electrons of voices and music. Sounds like scricchiolanti paths of brughiera, impervi and icy crush to you from beautifulst and colorful the temperatures and ignited it. Places which soon it is assimilated to us and abandoned, us get confused atom for atom ("to benediction ", "cranky"). It interlaces vocal between Philip and Flora like fragile sails, are penetrating perceptive expressions that filter vivido a romantico desire (the cited one "cranky", "threshing machine", "found weekend", "looking down", "portrait"); blessed senses in the presence of intorpiditi auricular pavilions. If therefore the air is to times more than pungente, it is mitigated contaminating with libecci of images of sfolgorante POP, at all acoustic ("laughing ", the mccartneyana "letter to to friend in jail"); ropes that rischiarano the atmosphere, fill up Hush, dispel inclementi hazes. For how much the shape of "Winterpills" joins irreducibly traditional, the indeed elevated compositivo level originates one of pages folk POP in beautiful evidence in 2005, auspicando a future possibly still on these steps, on these paths.


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